From the 2nd of July to 4th of July 2013:
Voice Masterclass
at the
Gut Immling Sommerakademie
Musikakademie Endorfer Hof (Germany)
email: musikakademie@endorfer-hof.de
From the 15th of July to 27th of July 2013:
Voice Masterclass
at the
Internationalen Sommerakademie (SOAK)
University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria)
email: summer.academy@moz.ac.at
From 28. Juli to 4. August 2013:
Voice Masterclass
Montepulciano, Toscana, Italy
Palazzo Ricci
Europäische Akademie
für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Montepulciano
email: info@palazzoricci.com
From 26. August to 2. September 2012:
Voice Masterclass
Montepulciano, Toscana, Italy
From 30. Juli to 11. August 2012:
Voice Masterclass
at the
Internationalen Sommerakademie (SOAK)
University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria)